Is your Organization ORGANIZED?


Stephen Covey said “Accountability breeds responsibility”.  I concur and would add that clarity of accountability with well-defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will breed solid results.  Unfortunately, many organizations suffer from several common ills that hinder their ability to deliver results.  These include:

  • Lack of clarity around who is accountable for what
  • Important functions without an assigned owner
  • Certain individuals accountable for too many functions
  • Absence of clearly defined metrics

To remedy these common ills, SeeMetrics Partners uses The Gazelles International Function Accountability Chart (FACe) tool.   Using this one page tool will guide you to clearly define accountabilities while ensuring that you have the right people in the right roles, doing the right things.

The chart identifies all of the key functions vital to your organization’s success.  You are asked to identify one person who is accountable for each of the functions.  You are then asked to identify the leading indicators (KPI’s) for each function and the corresponding results or outcomes desired.  These will be organized in the form of Profit and Loss statements or Balance Sheet items.  You will be asked to take your Profit and Loss (P&L), Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow accounting statements and assign a person to each line item, then derive appropriate Results/Outcomes for each function.

Once the chart is complete you and your organization should have a much clearer picture of who is accountable for each particular function that will lead to measurable results.

The benefits of adopting these habits will create a culture of accountability, assure team alignment, clarify of goals and priorities and focus on results. If you are not sure if you are following the Rockefeller Habits take our Rockefeller Habits survey to find out.

Identify the gaps and work on improving one habit at a time.  Once implemented, repeat the process until all the ten Rockefeller Habits are implemented. This will drive sustained profitable growth built on solid foundation.    Watch my podcasts to find out more.